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Location & Virtual Link
Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Charleston, WV
520 Kanawha Blvd W, Charleston, WV 25302
Dress Code
We don’t have one! Some of us wear our “Sunday Best”, for some being comfortable in casual clothes is the rule. What you wear is your choice, it’s who you are that is important.
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Our accessible entrance is on the Vine Street side of our building.

Become a Member
Reach out to our Congregational Administrator, Sarah Stone, at
Members say
We are a group of people who share a belief that living a meaningful life requires acting for love and justice in all things. While we share values, we also enjoy one another’s different histories and lifestyles. It has been a home to me and a source of both inspiration and comfort.
Marian Keyes
Kathryn Stone
- I can think, believe, and speak words that come from inside me without being made uncomfortable and also listen to and learn from others. I need things to make sense to me.
- Freedom from having to believe in religious absurdities (gods, after life, etc.)
- Emphasis on social justice
The UUC of Charleston, WV is a safe and welcoming place for LGBTQIA+ people. It is a place where people of many faiths can gather together in respect for each other; whether they believe in no gods, many gods, or something in between.
Billie McNeely (they/them)