Why do we have biases and dislike the ‘other’? Paul will talk about what influences our judgments.
Why do we have biases and dislike the ‘other’? Paul will talk about what influences our judgments.
This Sunday we are joined by Iris Sidikman, Harm Reduction Coordinator at Women’s Health Center. They will talk to us about PRIDE and Hard Reduction and how they intersect.
We’ll be celebrating the 100th Anniversary of the Flower Communion! Bringing flowers to share would be much appreciated!
Kate Jordan will speak about how the earth mother connects us to the interdependent web of which we are all a part.
The SOAR framley will join us to close out our month of “In Loving Service” to tell us about their service in the community and how it has and continues to shape them.
RCCR has been helping people seacure housing since 1987, and in 2021 expanded services to our unsheltered neighbors to help fill services that were shuttered due to the pandemic. Miranda Nabers, a lay leader and member at St. Marks Methodist Church joins us to talk about what these services are and why they are a … Continue reading The Religious Coalition for Community Renewal
Coordinated Addiction Response Effort (CARE) team members will join us on this Sunday to kick off our month of “In Loving Service”. They will discuss their efforts in the city of Charleston and how they go far beyond just serving folks that are suffering with addiction. Worship Leader, Paul Dalzell Guest, Taryn Wherry and Crew
Paul Dalzell and guest Marybeth Beller (a Board member at Unity Church) will discuss what Worship means to us. Two different views that may help others think about what Worship means in their own lives.
Bring water and a story about your adventures this year, as we hold our Ingathering/Water Communion.