Spiral Moon Grove
Thursday at 6:30 pm in the Webb Room at UUC

Spiral Moon Grove is a small pagan spirituality group affiliated with the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Charleston, WV (UUC). We are an eclectic group and have members who follow many different spiritual paths. We welcome seekers of any tradition and at any point along their spiritual journey. Our group meets every Thursday at 6:30 pm at UUC. The first Thursday of each month we hold a community drum circle. The rest of our meetings are used to plan rituals, spirit work and learning about various deities, spirits, divination techniques and other magical/religious practices. It is a wonderful place to share perspectives not just on pagan topics, but also popular culture, current events, history, science, and philosophy.
Due to our affiliation with UUC, our group is not designed as coven. All of our events are open to the public and we draw from multiple traditions and sources of inspiration; we use group consensus decision-making rather than following a hierarchical structure. Our primary purposes is to create a space in which pagans, friends and seekers can gather from all walks of life to share in a larger common fellowship together. We follow the Wheel of the Year and hold public rituals (usually on Saturday evenings) for each of the eight Sabbats observed by most traditions. Though membership in the UUC is not required to participate in our meetings or rituals we are all bound by the Behavioral Covenant that governs this faith community. We abide by the Unitarian Universalist Seven Principles. These principles are what allows us to cultivate an atmosphere of trust, mutual respect, and spiritual growth. Everyone is welcome.
If you have any questions or would like more information about Spiral Moon Grove please email us at uucspiralmoongrove@gmail.com.
May peace and love be with you always, Blessed be.
Spiral Moon Grove Mission Statement
- We are a group of eclectic pagans learning and honing our crafts together and seeking out the deeper mysteries.
- We have respect for all and give dignity to all.
- We strive to create an environment of safety and trust.
- We revere the earth and its creatures.
- We celebrate the 8 pagan sabbats.
- We respect all deities in the various pantheons.
- The health of our community is important to us, whether it is pagan based or not.
- We are devoted to building lasting friendships within the pagan community.
Contact info
Scheduled rituals
The following Sabbats are celebrated by Spiral Moon Grove, for exact dates, times and locations please email Spiral Moon Grove at uucspiralmoongrove@gmail.com.